Crypto Arbitrage Trading with 169%net profit over last 12 Months
Sep 1
I found the first cryptocurrency arbitrage platform with 100% delegated management for you.
No knowledge or time required:
Deposit your funds, and they make them work for you.
Investment starting at 100€ in BTC.
With them, you do not invest in cryptos like Bitcoin — which fluctuate wildly —
but rather take advantage of their high volatility (upwards & downwards) to make profits through arbitrage.
Trusted by over 15 330 Investors in 63 countries
What can you expect?

Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Nevertheless, here are a few recent results that will show their regularity and progression for more than 5 years (2017: 77%. 2018: 91%; 2019: 125%) 2020 (154%) Last 12 Months: 169%. April: 8.79% net. May: 10.2% This means the system is still learning so we may expect even better results for the future.
As I had clients who said: Look I make more with BTC directly, I checked to find out what could be true long term. Calculating with 8.42% net p.m. which equals +164% per year.

I started with my online-trading-calculator and found:
10k will go to 26.400 within 1st year (+164%)
and 2nd year go to 69.600 (+164%)
and 3rd year go to 183.627 (+164%) =x18 within 3 years.*
So you could put part of your funds here – especially profits from your masternoding account
just for better diversification. After having more than doubled within 9 months you still could
withdraw your principal (reinvest with Masternoding ?) and continue with profits alone.
One BTC at recently and soon again 47.000€ would have to grow
1st year to 124K and 2nd year to 327k and 3rd year to 863k€ in order to be even with arbitrage.
Hard to say whether this will happen that fast or at all. I doubt it and I am sure with this proven
(started 2015) arbitrage-trading you will be on the safer side.
please visit the „About-us“ and „How-it-works“-page and also read the FAQ.
Next, you only need to fund your account with BTC.
Review of 2020 and outlook for 2021 from the team.
While Bitcoin surpassed its historical highs (so-called „ATH“), the
altcoins were more chaotic at the end of the year. A context once again
favorable to arbitrage allows us to achieve outstanding performance,
also historical, at 8.44%, to finish the year 2020, which has been
complicated in many other respects.
This resulted in an annual performance of 154%, exceeding our targets
and up 23% compared to 2019.
While the number of individual investors is growing strongly (with a
median amount under management also increasing to €27 875),
institutional investors‘ demand is also exceeding our expectations. As a
result, our organization, which has already undergone a major overhaul
following the COVID and has been confronted with several administrative problems from the regulator (particularly the inability to understand crypto money business correctly), should again see significant changes in the first quarter. The objective is to put us in the best possible position to manage our growth serenely in the years to come. We will not fail to keep you informed.